Thursday, February 16, 2017

Say Goodbye To Insomnia

Tossing and turning during the night or having trouble falling asleep can make you sleepy and grouchy during the day. You may have tried some things to help your insomnia that haven't worked. The good news is that there are many treatments to help you sleep better.
But first it helps to know the reason why you don't sleep well. If you have a medical problem, such as chronic pain, or an emotional problem, such as stress or depression, treating that problem may help you sleep better.

Causes of insomnia include: stress and anxiety, overuse of stimulants, sugar, indigestion, pain, alcohol, lack of physical activity, restless leg syndrome, hormonal changes, sleep apnea, or other medical conditions.

Make sleep a priority.
Now, don’t roll your eyes. If you want a better night’s sleep, you have to get serious about it. Need convincing? A study found that when you’re short on zzzs, you’re also more likely to overreact to minor incidents, feel stressed out, and blow your top. Even worse, your physical health takes a hit, too. Lack of sleep increases the risk for high blood pressure, depression and weight gain, the latter as a result of adverse effects on hormones that regulate appetite.

Say no to coffee after noon.
Your morning mug gets a pass, but guzzling it all day is a big no-no. Here’s why: It’s often said that caffeine has a half-life of about five hours—which means if you eat an early enough dinner, that after-supper cappuccino should be out of your system by bedtime, right? Unfortunately, that’s not quite right. After seven hours, much of the stimulant will be gone from your system, depending on your sensitivity to it—but 25% of it could still be there. It can also increase nighttime urination and otherwise adversely impact your sleep.

Avoid Alcohol.
A nightcap, tempting though it may be when you can’t sleep, can actually ruin your slumber, and that’s especially true for women. According to one study, men who went to bed tipsy slept soundly, as well as when they were sober, but women slept fewer minutes and woke up more often. What’s more, alcohol robs you of REM and the other, deeper stages of sleep, which are the ones that make you feel most rested. Finally, like coffee, alcohol is a diuretic. It’s hard to sleep when you’re running to the bathroom every couple of hours.

It’s a tough sell, we know, but regular meditation may be a powerful tool for some insomniacs. The science as to why is still equivocal, but we do know meditation sends signals to your sympathetic nervous system's "fight or flight" response telling it that it’s all right to relax. It can help you put aside thoughts from the day, so it’s especially useful for people prone to worry.

Top Foods for Insomnia
Foods high in tryptophan – This amino acid stimulates the production of serotonin, which helps with relaxation.  Include turkey, chicken or tuna for dinner.
Complex carbohydrates –  Carbohydrates also help with the production of serotonin, so try to include butternut squash or sweet potatoes into your dinner.
Raw Milk – Although dairy can be problematic for some, a glass of raw milk before bed does help with sleep.  A2 dairy is recommended from goat’s, sheep, or A2 cows.
Foods high in magnesium – Magnesium is known as the “relaxation” mineral. Include green leafy vegetables, sesame and sunflower seeds, and oats into your diet.
B-vitamins – Organic meat, brewer’s yeast, liver and green leafy vegetables are high in B-vitamins.  Consume foods high in vitamin B12 as your best sources.

Foods to Avoid
Caffeine – Don’t consume caffeine after noon or at all if you are having difficulty sleeping.
Alcohol – Stop drinking alcohol at least 2 hours before bed and drink in moderation.
Any potential food allergens – Food allergies can cause insomnia.
Sugar – Variations in blood sugar can cause insomnia.
High fat foods – Fat slows down digestion and may lead to indigestion at night.  Limit fried foods before bedtime.

Before bad read a relaxing book or spend time journaling to get everything off of your mind.  Also, sleep in a cold dark room.

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